ghost Stories

excerpt from book:

Buford House Bed and Breakfast 

Around 1882, a year or so after the Earp brothers and Doc Holliday shot it out with the Clanton gang near the O.K. Corral, local mine owner George Buford built a nice, two-story adobe house for himself and his dad near the center of Tombstone. Shortly thereafter, George started to court a young lady named Cleopatra. According to local legend, Cleopatra made the unforgivable mis- take of allowing another man to walk her home one evening. Although it was apparently innocent, George was furious. When she came to George's house to apologize, he shot her twice before killing himself. Cleopatra recovered, but George's spirit, trapped by remorse, began haunting his old home.

Since then, the house has been owned by two sheriffs, a mayor, and the great John Wayne himself. All of them encountered George's ghost. The Buford House is now a bed-and-breakfast, where George continues to appear, both inside and outside. Knocking is heard in the walls, faucets and lights go on and off by themselves, and mysterious lights flit across the walls of the Wicker Room. Women seem to be particular favorites of George, and many female guests have felt an unseen hand stroke their hair or their necks. He sometimes even gives gentle swats to women on their bottoms. Occasionally, a lady's bedcovers are pulled from her sleeping body or she hears someone calling her by name. The Buford House is a great base for a tour of old Tombstone, so long as you don't mind sharing your room with the late, extraordinarily jealous George Buford.

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Mailing Address

Catherine Farrell
PO BOX 1868
Tombstone, Arizona 85638